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In this web page, you will find all the legal information, the copyright and our privacy policy.

Legal Information website is a Flexee System SAS publication with a 24,000€ share capital, registered with the Commerce and companies of Chambery under number 840 828 180, which headquarter is located at the 75 Chemin de Saint-Claude, 73160 SAINT-CASSIN (France) and which the intra-community VAT identification is FR 73840828180.

Representative for the data policy:

The publication supervisor is a physical person: Lucas Martini – [email protected] – 06 78 75 54 76

Web site host: 1and1   7, Place de la Gare 57200 Sarreguemines, France.

By visiting this website, you accept the terms of use described below. FLEXEE SYSTEM society reserves the right to modify the conditions at any time without prior notice.

Intellectual property

All the material contained in this website ( texts, graphic elements, or multimedia, including underlying technology..) are the exclusive property of FLEXEE SYSTEM society or to other person authorizing to use. They are all protected by intellectual property rights. The possibility to consult, download the data of this website in another alternative format does not give the right to reproduce or represent, full or half part of this website or all or part of the item found.

The trademarks and logos of the FLEXEE SYSTEM society and partnership figuring on the website are registered trademarks.       According to the articles L.713.2 and following the Intellectual property law, full or part reproduction or representation and modification or suppression of these trademarks are prohibited except if you have authorization from the owners.

Linking one or a few pages of this website require the prior agreement of the publication director. All links not authorized will have to be removed on simple request of the FLEXEE SYSTEM society.

Privacy statement

Updated in September 2018, 18th.

We attach great value to the protection of our personal data. For this reason, in all the collection and processing we are doing, we are guided by these four rules:

Transparency: We explain what we collect and why we collect, though you can make the right decision and with all the information you need.

Security:  All the data that you entrust to us will benefit high security.

Legal safeguards: We respect the laws for the data’s protection

User interest: When we collect data, we have to purpose to improve the service and the experience that we offer, in our website, application, and products.

These rules are the foundations on which we want to grow: in a world always more connected, we are making the choice to leave to our users the control of their data and to protect the ones given to us. Our goal is to offer the best products and the best services.

This privacy statement of the personal data has for goal to present you more in details how we are working regarding your personal data, to explain some case in which we have to collect information about you, why we need to collect your data and what we do with it. This part also shows the security measures that we have to make to protect their confidentiality, and remind you about your rights and how to exercises them.

The regulation of the personal data ( following “Regulation”) designate all the regulation (UE) 2016/679 of April 2016 27th, regarding the protection of your personal data ( regulation said “RGPD”)  and all texts that need to be applied by this regulation.

Protection of personal data

FLEXEE SYSTEM collects all your personal data for predetermining and legitimate purposes.’s website represented by FLEXEE SYSTEM SAS society makes a commitment to protect your personal data and personal life.

FLEXEE SYSTEM society, responsible of the treatments of personal data operated on sites, collects information about you in order to create your customer account, or for your purchases, or when you decide to contact them spontaneously. The obliged or optional nature of the data is specified in the information collection form.

What data do we collect?

Personal data that you give us

By using the website, you can be asked to declare voluntarily personal data. This personal data are supplied to FLEXEE SYSTEM when:

  • You order online

  • You are using the website

  • You participate in competitions or surveys

  • You reach our customer service

This personal data include these specific elements: your last name, first name, password, email address, date of birth, phone number. When facultative data are needed it is also reported when collecting the data.

Personal data that FLEXEE SYSTEM automatically collect.

When navigating in our website, the data’s cookies, your data’s connection, your data’s navigation, the type of terminal you are using to access or connect to our website. You will find more detail about the personal data that we are using in the next parts of the charter.

Why do we collect personal data?

Personal data allow us to do operation regarding customer management; prospection, elaboration of trade statistics; demand management of right to access; correction and opposition; management of unpaid and litigation; management of promotional operation; management of notice.

The data processing is executed under the legal basis of the contract you asked or the pre-contractual measures you asked for.

This data can be used to send info and promotional offers coming from FLEXEE SYSTEM, you can unsubscribe when you want by following the unsubscribe link in the emails or by asking at [email protected]

How can we provide security for your data?

FLEXEE SYSTEM makes a commitment to keep your data in a secure way. We are committed to ensuring the safety of your personal data by using a strict procedure for your company.

For all data collected “online”, the communication on the customer part is encrypted between the user and our server (HTTPS safe zone). FLEXEE SYSTEM is obliged to give the best to protect your personal data. In Flexee system, only the person whose by their function have a legitimate right will be authorized to have access to your information. For technical operation, your data can also be hosted by our contractors. They are carefully picked and act in accordance with our instructions. Your data are hosted in Europe. No data can be transferred out of European Union, by this way we guaranty a high safety of your personal data.

We do not share your personal data in our site except your first name and the first letter of your last name or your pseudonym when you give comments on our products or post in a forum.

FLEXEE SYSTEM only shares your personal data to the following ones: In order to do the things cited, we only give our personal data to Services providers and contractors working for our company; they are carefully picked and act in accordance with our instructions; financial or legal authorities or state agency, public organizations when asking and in accordance with the law : few regulated profession such as lawyers, notary and auditors.

FLEXEE SYSTEM will not sell or share the data to trade partners.

How long the data are kept?

FLEXEE SYSTEM keeps your personal data for a limited time and predefined account and order: If you are a customer, your data are kept for the time necessary for the commercial management. If you are a prospect, we delete your data at least 3 years after your last contact with us.

Credit cards are recorded for next purchase: Credit cards are not registered by FLEXEE SYSTEM.

Receipt sent to customer service: The processing for receipt order has for goal to fight against fraud and unpaid. The data are kept for at least 12 months after the date of delivery and 24 months after the purchase in case of a dispute.

Cookies: Cookies are limited for thirteen months after their first depot in the terminal equipment of the user (after agreement), as recommended by the CNIL.

What can you do with your personal data?

You have rights on your personal data; this is how to use it:

In accordance with the Data protection act of January 6th, 1978 modified and to the data protection regulation, you have a right of access, modification, portability and deletion of your personal data. You can ask the limitation of the processing about you. You can exercise your right by contacting us :

By this email address: [email protected] : or by letter at:


75 Chemin de Saint-Claude


Your inquiry should precise your last name(s), first name(s), customer number, and a copy of your ID card.

You also have the right to give the order regarding the use or your personal data after your death.

You can also for a legitimate reason to refuse the processing of your data and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The consumer is advised that he can register on the opposition list of cold calling Bloctel.

Finally, you can make a complaint to the control authority for the protection of personal data, or contact our supervisor to data regulation using the email address following: [email protected]

Confidentiality of credit card data and transaction’s safety

FLEXEE SYSTEM SAS’ company owner of the website, Payplug company ( RCS Paris 751 658 881) for credit card transaction, is the recipient data’s regarding the regulation of the orders. If the data are not transmitted it prevents the transaction to be proceeded.

The occurrence of an unpaid, by reason of fraudulent use of a credit card, will guide to the registration in an incident of payment file. A false declaration or a defect will be the objects of a specific process.

In accordance to the “ informatics and liberty” law of January 6th,1978 ( modified) and the Data protection regulation, you, at any time, have the right to oppose the access and the modification and deletion of all your personal data.

Payplug society is responsible for all the credit card transaction proposed on website. She proposed a payment module secured SIPS. This module communicates with a payment server, who takes the control during all the payment process: the customer gives the credit card number directly on a SIPS server, who can control the validity of the transaction and can accept or declined the payment, after, the SIPS server informs the FLEXEE SYSTEM society of the success or the failing of the transaction.

23-25 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 75001 Paris

Otherwise, to satisfy the tax and legal obligations, a hard copy and informatics copy of each invoice will be kept 10 years by the FLEXEE SYSTEMS SAS Company.

You can contact the resolution and prudential authorities at:

Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel (ACP)

61 rue Taitbout,  75436 PARIS Cedex 09

Autorité Administrative chargée de la concurrence et de la consommation

59 bld Vincent Auriol, 75703 Paris Cedex 13

Relative information to “cookies”

When you visit our website, relative information to your navigation can be registered in files called “cookies”, installed on your terminal (computer, tablet, phone, etc.…)

This section allows you to know more about the origin and the use of your navigation information when you visit our website

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a little text file I which you can find different information. He is in your terminal (computer, tablet, phone…) by your browser, on the website you choose to visit. Cookies can have different purposes. For any cookie, only the transmitter of a cookie can read or modify the information in this cookie.

Different type of cookies used by’s website uses cookies. None of the cookies on our website collects personal data about you. These cookies used are:

The cookies used are limited to what is necessary. They are essential for the work of our website and allows to access to secure spaces like your basket, your customer account, etc. Without these cookies, it will be impossible to use our website under normal conditions.

Analytic or performance cookies: These cookies allow us to know the use and the performance of our website and to improve the functioning. They measure the data of your navigation (most frequent pages visited, the page with the ones you log out of the website and the time you stay on our website).

Social network cookies: Some of our website pages offer applications button brought by third party that can allow you to share the content of our website with others. This is the case of the “share” or “like” button coming for social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+

Cookies have a thirteen months lifetime after their first depot in the user terminal (following the consent agreement), like recommended by the CNIL. After these 13 months, a new consent of cookies will be asked.

We cannot control the process used by the social network to collect the information regarding your visit on our website.

If you are a subscriber of one of this social network, we invite you to verify the protection policy of private life on this social network, in order to know how they use your data when you decide to use one of the application buttons. This protection policy should allow you to decide how we use your data; you can configure your account in each of this social network.

Accept or refuse the use of cookies:

Important notice: We want to remind you that the configuration of your browser for the cookies can modify your access to our services. If your browser is configured in a way to refuse all the cookies, you will not be able for example to purchase or use essential function of our website.

You can configure your browser software in a way that the cookies are registered in your terminal or rejected, for every website, or depending on the website.

You can also configure your browser in a way that the agreement of cookies can be asked before the registration of a cookie.

You simply have to decide under the help menu of your browser to know how you can modify your wish for the cookies.

You can deactivate the cookies by visiting the following links:

Internet Explorer™ :

Safari™ :

Chrome™ :

Firefox™ :

Opera™ :


All data of this website are given as guidelines only; with no implicit or explicit guaranty. FLEXEE SYSTEM society disengaged of all lawful or unlawful use of the data figuring in this website.

Copyright 2018 alveo3d©