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Filter P4D for 3D printer

High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters category HEPA14 99.995% efficiency for the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) 0.3μm. HEPA14 filters provide a higher level of particulate filtration compared to HEPA13 filters.

Activated carbon type 1-3mm granules, coconut. This filter category is recommended by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) for FDM 3D printers.

35,00 Inc. VAT

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In stock : Ships in 2-3 days


A support with dimensions between 156 mm and 159
mm is recommended to ensure a good seal.


  1. Handle filter with care. If the surface of the HEPA 14 filter (white pleated surface) is damaged, the filter will lose its effectiveness.
  2. Protect your hands when handling a used filter and dispose of it in the zip bag supplied. A saturated filter cannot be recycled.
  3. We do not recommend that you create a housing support smaller than 156 mm x 156 mm, as further compression will distort the geometry of the frame.
  4. Filter life depends on many factors, including: filament type, melting temperature, nanoparticle and VOC concentration, ambient humidity… We suggest replacing the HEPA P4D filter according to the following table:
      Intensive use Occasional use
    Filter replacement 4 months 8 months
Air flow direction

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The best filter for 3D FDM printers

29.17€ HT    35€ TTC